Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur Appearance Day

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Course Duration

1 hr


No. Of Sessions


Sessions per week



Open for all

Schedule of Classes


Starts on


8-9pm EST

Regular classes on


About the Teacher


HG Jiva Tattva Das and HG Ananda Rupa Devi Dasi

HG Jiva Tattva Das and HG Ananda Rupa Devi Dasi are both Bhakti Shastri teachers and have been serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission as educators, teachers, and preachers and offer seminars and classes locally and online. They have been practicing bhakti yoga for over 28 years. They are disciples of H. H. Gopal Krishna Goswami.

They present Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Chaitanya Caritramrta classes globally, facilitate study groups, and promote and support community building and mentoring.

Jiva Tattva Das has facilitated Bhakti Vaibhava education and Ananda Rupa also serves at ISKCON of DC Child Protection Team. They helped launch an initial pilot of the ISKCON Karuna Care program. They also serve with North American Sankirtana team, have facilitated Namahatta programs nurturing Krishna Conscious relationships, and offer Pujari services at ISKCON of DC.

Jiva Tattva Das has a Masters in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. Ananda Rupa Devi holds Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Bhopal University.  Both have background in project management, coaching, and training in IT.

Course Overview

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