ISKCON Board of Examination Courses
ISKCON certified courses
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Completed Courses
ISKCON Disciple Course (Self-Study)
The ISKCON Disciples Course (IDC) is a training program that gives an in-depth understanding of guru tattva and guru padasraya within the multi-guru culture of ISKCON. The course has been developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee. Leading educators of ISKCON have contributed greatly to the course. The course is based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and current ISKCON Law with reference to the writings from the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition. IDC has been designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON. The course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, counselors, and educators within ISKCON. Course Teacher: HG Narsimha Avatar Das
PAID10 Hours
Certificate Course
Online Bhakti Shastri from Washington DC
In-depth study of Bhagavad-Gītā, Śrī Īśopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and Nectar of Instruction.
By HG Jiva Tattva Das and HG Ananda Rupa Devi Dasi
PAID1 year
Certificate Course