Morning Japa

By HG Shyam Sunder Das

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Course Duration



No. Of Sessions


Sessions per week




Open for all

Schedule of Classes


Starts on


3am-8am EST

Regular classes on


About the Teacher


HG Shyam Sunder Das

HG Shyam Sunder Das started visiting the Houston Temple in 1986 and chanting 16 rounds from 1988. 

He took his first initiation from H.H. Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaj on May 31, 1992, the day Maharaj also appointed him Temple President. Prabhuji served as Temple President for 28 years while working full-time and during those years, received training directly from H.H. Tamal Krishna Maharaj. Guru Maharaj had a vision for the Houston Yatra, which became a reality through Guru Maharaj's and Krishna's mercy. 

The Houston Yatra has a total of 176 initiated and dedicated devotees, beautiful Vedic Temple, Community Hall, Govinda's Vegetarian Restaurant, Goswami Academy (Krishna conscious school), Apartment complex, Residence for visiting sanyasis, Guest house, Brahmacari Ashram to host 28 devotees, and an 8.5 acre urban farm less than 2 miles from the Temple with 3 Gir cows, organic vegetable garden and accommodations for Krishna House devotees. 

Prabhuji is now serving on the Board of Directors and as Property Trustee but his main interest is to help other devotees improve their chanting, become determined to chant early in the morning, and provide devotees sadhu sanga for their upliftment and spiritual strength.

Course Overview

Welcome to our Spiritual Awakening Schedule!

Here's a glimpse of our daily schedule:

3:00 AM: Get ready to embark on a harmonious journey with devotees.

5:30 AM:  Warm-up session to devotees immersed themselves into the

sacred holy name.

7:20 AM: Recognizing devotees from Japa call.

7:25 AM: Vaishnava Bhajan from YouTube.

7:30 AM: Reading from scriptures

7:55 AM : Call close ( Monday – Friday)

8:45 AM : Call close ( Saturday)

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